
Here you can find a list of projects that I have, or am currently working on.

    Codecademy Projects:

    • Typography: A demonstration on the selection and use of webfonts.
    • FlexBox: Using flexbox to style the layout of a weekly reminder webpage.
    • Taskboard: Using grid to style the layout of a taskboard.
    • Photomatic: An independant solution to fixing a website with broken code.
    • Kelvin: A JavaScript project demonstrating the conversion of different temperatures.
    • Piano Keys: A JavaScript project demonstrating the use of an interactive piano to learn how to play Happy Birthday.
    • Workaround: A JavaScript project that demonstrates finincial feedback based on various selections.
    • ShiftCipher: Javascript code that provides encryption and decryption functions for a ShiftCipher class.
    • Film Finder: A project to find a random film. It demonstrates the utilisation of asynchronous try/catch statements and APIs.
    • You can find a full list of my CodeCademy Front-end and JavaScript projects by clicking the links.